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 Massage for Injuries

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
devaneym Posted - April 27 2010 : 3:11:11 PM
I'm a runner and I've been experiencing pain on the inside of both knees and some tightness or ache in the arch of one foot. I found some rather sore trigger points in the calves as well as the same thing directly above both knees on the inside. I have been treating these with a lacrosse ball which really is aggressive when compared to using a tennis ball. I feel improvement in the tissue but I would like to know if anyone thinks that i have assessed the cause of the injuries correctly as being tight muscles in the quads and calves.
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sachabloke Posted - March 03 2012 : 05:02:05 AM
I would never get massaged after an acute injury. Use ice to get rid of the inflamation, 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off.

After a couple of days the area should be ok to massage.

Alex Nielsen
naruk2495 Posted - December 08 2011 : 12:48:32 AM
I recommend Midedical Massage.

I am in San Diego
Salla Posted - October 27 2011 : 04:17:58 AM
Have you tried trying applying an ice pack periodically every 5 minutes. It will increase the blood flow and therefore speed up the healing time.
Fred Posted - May 03 2011 : 05:23:43 AM
I have never heard someone getting cured with a "lacrosse ball"
moreover, i would prefer consulting a doctor or might take some pain killers if the pain can't be resisted
JenM.E.Uptown Posted - April 29 2011 : 10:00:01 PM
Look for a massage therapist who has studied trigger point therapy. 2-3 sessions should really help.

Try using a golf ball on your feet to loosen the fascia.

ALSO- use Epsom salts in a hot bath 3x per week. That will really help with cramping muscles.
ethen123 Posted - March 24 2011 : 06:35:17 AM
I think you have to go for massage therapist and they can solve your problem. Also you can feel better after getting treatment.
scausey Posted - October 27 2010 : 12:04:28 AM
Try finding someone who is cert. in Neuro-muscular therapy or a cert. Medical Massage Practitoner. They are out there, but few and far between.
jitendrasnv Posted - June 15 2010 : 03:28:50 AM
Well, I think there are several massages that will worth to get rid of all sort of pain in joints and happens due to sports injury as there are some sport massages that are very good for runners and they get better prevention.

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